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Innovative products, designed by the experts

NRS Healthcare's Product Design team work hard alongside their team of Occupational Therapists to make sure that the innovative products they create are exactly what you need to make daily life easier, whether that's the nippy and highly manoeuvrable Freestyle 3-wheel rollator or the ingenious EasyFit Plus Bed Rail, which can fit with almost any bed.

To give you even greater confidence, NRS Healthcare offers an extended 2-year warranty against faulty materials and workmanship.

Mobility aids

Made with you in mind, NRS Healthcare's range of mobility aids have been specially designed to help get you where you need to go and make everyday life that little bit easier.

Bestsellers from the range

Bathing and toileting aids

From the sleek and stylish SPA range through to commodes to make toileting easier on a night, NRS Healthcare have a range of bathroom and toileting aids to help you create an innovative, accessible bathroom that meets your needs.

Bestsellers from the range

Bedroom aids

Need help with rolling, rising, or getting in and out of bed? The NRS Healthcare range of bedroom equipment is designed to make everyday activities more comfortable, so you can start - and end - your day right.

Bestsellers from the range

Seating aids

Are you sitting comfortably? Ditch the discomfort and get a seating aid from NRS Healthcare designed to help you, whether you're looking for a bit of extra support or just for a nice place to rest when you need to.

Bestsellers from the range

Daily living aids

Sometimes, even the smallest change can make a big difference and this is particularly true when it comes to NRS Healthcare's range of daily living aids, which are designed to encourage and enhance independent living.

Bestsellers from the range

Moving and handling

These moving and handling aids allow for a person to be moved with dignity instead of hauled about, making it easier for both you and the person you're caring for to move from place to place.

Bestsellers from the range

Eating and drinking aids

Put the enjoyment back into preparing and eating a meal with the help of NRS Healthcare's range of kitchen aids designed to support you in eating and drinking, helping you stay independent for longer.

Bestsellers from the range

NRS Healthcare's vision
Improving people's quality of life and independence every day

A selection of the NRS Healthcare range

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NRS Healthcare associates

Royal College of Occupational Therapists

Royal College of Occupational Therapists

NRS Healthcare are Gold members of the Royal College of Occupational Therapists' "Corporate Friends" scheme, which recognises companies that invest financially in the College, highlighting their understanding of the strong mutual benefit in working closely with healthcare professionals.

British Healthcare Trades Association (BHTA)

British Healthcare Trades Association (BHTA)

NRS Healthcare is an award winning member of the BHTA and abides by their Code of Practice, which is approved by the Trading Standards Institute (TSI). This assures their effectiveness in safeguarding and promoting the interests of consumers beyond the basic requirements of the law, so you can buy from us with the utmost confidence.

Telecare Services Association (TSA)

Telecare Services Association (TSA)

NRS Healthcare are part of the TSA and offer a comprehensive range supplier of standalone Telecare equipment, including memory aids and sensors, to help make life easier and safer for carers and those they care for.

Home Living Consultation Service

Working together to keep you independent for longer

We work with NRS Healthcare's professional team of Occupational Therapists to undertake these bespoke consultations via a video call in your home. Working with you or a loved one they expertly assess the environment and the goals you/they want to achieve around the home. From making it easier to cook dinner to staying safe while bathing, we want to keep you or a loved one independent and at home for longer.

Purchase a consultation

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