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If you’ve ever wondered what sciatica is, or you’ve recently been diagnosed and would like to know more about the condition, you’ve come to the right place. Below, we explore what causes sciatica, its symptoms, and what types of treatments, aids and support are available.

Any medical information provided here is for informational purposes and does not replace medical advice from a medical professional. If you’re concerned that you may have any of the symptoms discussed below, please see your GP.

What is sciatica?

Sciatica is a term that describes pain in the buttocks or legs that’s caused by the sciatic nerve becoming compressed or irritated. This nerve runs from the feet, through the legs, buttocks and to the back of the pelvis. Symptoms of sciatica can last for just a few weeks or a number of years.

What causes sciatica?

Sciatica occurs due to damaged discs in the spine, found in the lumbar region of the body. The human spine consists of 33 bones – vertebrae – that are stacked one on top of the other. Nerve fibres run through the whole spine, connecting the brain to each part of the body so that it can send and receive messages.

Vertebrae are held together with discs which allow the spine to be flexible. Discs are made up of a hard outer casing with a substance inside that has a gel-like texture. Sometimes, a person can experience damage to these discs, where the soft, internal section of the disc bulges out of the external casing. This is known as a herniated or slipped disc.

A slipped disc may then press on or touch a nerve, which can result in pain around the area of the damaged disc. Sciatica causes pain in the lower back, buttocks and legs, due to a slipped disc and pressure to the nerves in that area of the body.

Here are the most common triggers that can lead to sciatica:

  • Ageing - discs often become naturally less flexible
  • Smoking
  • Poor posture when seated
  • Incorrect manual handling techniques
  • Being overweight
  • Accidents leading to injury
  • Wear and tear from sports and hobbies
  • Pregnancy and childbirth

There are other, much less common and more serious, health conditions that can cause sciatica, including:

  • Spinal stenosis
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Cauda equina syndrome
  • Spinal injury/infection
  • Tumour in the spine

Muscular dystrophy can also be linked to sciatica. Read Complete Care Shop’s family guide for muscular dystrophy information.

Symptoms of sciatica

Each person with sciatica will experience symptoms differently and to different degrees. Sciatica symptoms may come and go or remain for longer periods of time.

Sciatica symptoms most often include:

  • Pain, tingling and/or numbness around the lower back, buttocks, lower legs and feet
  • Muscle weakness
  • Difficulty walking
  • Difficulty standing up from a sitting position
  • Difficulty bending or raising one leg
  • Muscle spasms

Symptoms may be exacerbated if you make sudden movements, such as sneezing or coughing, or when sitting or lying in certain positions for long periods of time.

How long does sciatica last?

The length of time that one may experience sciatica varies widely depending on the cause. It can last from a number of days to weeks and months to years. The impact of treatment and the success of recovery depends on the underlying issue. You should consult a medical professional to ascertain an accurate estimate and the right type of treatment if you’re experiencing sciatica symptoms.

Diagnosis of sciatica

It’s important to speak to your GP to determine if you have sciatica. They will be able to rule out other conditions. Your GP will likely be able to diagnose sciatica by asking you to explain the symptoms you’re experiencing. You may go through a physical examination, which could include being asked to lie on your back and lift your legs individually. This is done to show what type of movement is causing your pain. Your GP will then be able to suggest an appropriate treatment.

It’s very important to speak to your GP if you think you’re experiencing sciatica problems because more serious conditions can show similar symptoms. If you feel numbness around your legs and bottom or have unexplained, sudden incontinence, or shooting pains in both legs, you should call the emergency services on 999.

How is sciatica treated?

Most people will only experience symptoms of sciatica for a short period of time – possibly around six weeks. Initially, a doctor may recommend anti-inflammatory painkillers, in between using hot and cold packs to reduce pain and inflammation.

They may also recommend that you try to stay active to keep muscles moving. There’s a possibility that you’ll be referred to a physiotherapist who can devise a programme of low-impact and special back exercises to strengthen your muscles. 

If you’re still wondering how to relieve sciatica pain, you can choose to seek treatment from an alternative therapist such as a chiropractor, acupuncturist or osteopath.

Surgery is another option but it’s rare.

Living with sciatica

Your personal experience of living with sciatica will depend upon how severe your symptoms are.

Sciatica causes difficulty in undertaking daily tasks for some people and can cause discomfort when sitting, walking, or lying down. Sciatica symptoms can last for varying amounts of time, and each person experiences it differently, so the extent to which daily life is affected is hard to say. For some people, sciatica treatments will be very effective, and they will find ways to manage their pain. For others, it may take longer to recover.

Products and aids for sciatica

At Complete Care Shop, we have a wide variety of excellent daily living aids that are designed to help people who are finding everyday activities difficult due to mobility problems or healthcare conditions. We have a range of products that can help people living with sciatica, helping encourage a better sitting or lying posture and ensuring you can carry out tasks in greater comfort.

If the pain from sciatica is preventing you from walking to your normal ability, a wheeled walker can prove helpful. Other mobility aids that can be of service include self propelled wheelchairs and folding wheelchairs that you can compactly store when you don’t need them. 

You should also consider a profiling mattress that can be used with a profiling bed which can help with movement when you’re in pain. Similarly, if you’re preparing a meal in the kitchen and enduring some pain, a perching stool to rest on can be beneficial.

Exercise and diet for sciatica

Exercise increases blood flow to all parts of the body, strengthens muscles to take the pressure off bones and keeps tendons and ligaments flexible to reduce stiffness, so a regular exercise routine can help to prevent aches and pains. If you have sciatica and visit a physiotherapist, they can show you specific exercises that strengthen muscles which have become inflamed and are causing nerve pain.

In terms of diet, maintaining a healthy diet is important to keeping the body functioning at its best. Being overweight is one of several triggers for sciatica so ensure you’re eating a balanced diet.

At present, there’s no specific diet that can ease sciatica symptoms but nutritional experts recommend eating foods that help combat inflammation, including cheese and lamb that contain vitamin B12, and magnesium-rich foods such as seafood, brown rice and fish. You can also take supplements, such as bromelain, curcumin or St. John’s Wort, which are suggested as being anti-inflammatory remedies.

Does sciatica affect employment?

Most people with sciatica are able to work, but some people may find it difficult whilst they are experiencing pain. If you have sciatica, you should discuss it with your employer and take time off to recover. Some people may find that their job is having an adverse effect or even causing their sciatica. For example, if it involves manual handling or sitting down for long periods. If this is the case, a change of role should be considered, if possible.

Support and resources for sciatica

Hopefully, this guide will help if you’ve recently been diagnosed with sciatica, or you know someone who has. As well as this information and our many products at Complete Care Shop, there are communities, charities and other resources designed to help you. They are: