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If you’ve ever wondered what chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is, or you’ve recently been diagnosed and would like to know more about the condition, you’ve come to the right place. Below, we explore what causes COPD, what the symptoms are and what types of treatments, aids and support are available. First of all, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone and there are many sources of support available to you and your family.

Any medical information provided here is for informational purposes and does not replace medical advice given to you by a medical professional. If you’re concerned that you may have any of the COPD symptoms discussed below, please see your GP.

What is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is an umbrella term for a couple of conditions caused by irreversible damage to the lungs that result in breathing problems. Many people live with the condition for years before it’s diagnosed because they dismiss early symptoms until they become worse. The main cause of COPD is smoking or second-hand smoke.

COPD affects around 1.2 million people in the UK, so it is fairly common. Typically, it affects older adults, but symptoms may start to appear around the mid-30s. There are COPD treatments available to help reduce symptoms, but there are no cures available. COPD may affect life expectancy, but people live for many years with the condition. It does affect a person’s daily life to some degree, but everyone experiences it at different levels. COPD often progresses in stages, and during later stages, the condition can be quite challenging. There are ways to live well with the condition, though, and enjoy a high quality of life and wellbeing. For more information on COPD, visit the NHS.

What causes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is caused by the narrowing of the lung’s airways, which reduces the function of the lungs. Smoking any type of tobacco is one of the biggest causes of COPD because it contains toxic chemicals, poisons and tar which not only damage the tiny cilia in the lungs but they’re distributed around the body, causing even more damage.

Inhaling chemicals or certain types of dust may also lead to COPD. For example, many people who worked in coal mines in the UK during the 20th century now have COPD.

There is also evidence that COPD runs in families, suggesting that genes may cause the disease, but this affects very few people out of the millions who have the condition. It’s likely that smoking habits run through generations of families, resulting in multiple family members developing a smoking-related illness like COPD, which may make it appear as though COPD is hereditary.

What are the main types of COPD?

There are two main conditions that fall under the umbrella of COPD. These two conditions are caused by damage within the lungs that makes airways more narrow, and breathing more difficult. They do differ in how lung damage occurs, though. These types of COPD both have the same symptoms which may include breathlessness, coughing and chest infections. If you are given a diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, you are likely to be told which condition you have, but it can be difficult to tell these apart in some people. You may also have a combination of the two types of COPD. The two types are:

  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Emphysema

Chronic bronchitis

There are two types of bronchitis: acute and serious. The latter condition causes inflammation in the bronchi (tube-like airways) that take oxygen to your lungs via your trachea. Inflammation is caused by an irritant, such as tobacco smoke. This makes it harder to breathe because there is less room in the airways for air to pass through, and more phlegm is produced as a result of the inflammation.


This is slightly different in that it is caused by damage to the alveoli. If an irritant like tobacco smoke enters these tiny sacs, they become inflamed which affects the essential exchange of gases that occurs here and traps carbon dioxide. This leads to the diaphragm working extra hard to move air in and out of the lungs, causing breathlessness and fatigue.

What are the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease symptoms?

Everyone will experience COPD differently. Many people experience symptoms for years before they seek healthcare advice or a diagnosis. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease symptoms may begin very mildly. These symptoms are often symptoms of other healthcare conditions which may be minor, but it’s advisable to have these checked early. Earlier diagnosis of COPD can help make the condition more manageable in the long term.

The most common symptoms of COPD are:

  • Breathlessness
  • Constant or excessive phlegm or mucus
  • Wheezing when breathing or having a cough for long periods of time
  • Regular chest infections
  • Feelings of tiredness, fatigue or exhaustion
  • Oedema

Some people find that their symptoms get worse over time but treatments are available to help reduce the impact of symptoms on a person’s life and wellbeing.

Diagnosis of COPD

If you feel like you have some of the symptoms we’ve listed, you should visit your GP. Many symptoms like breathlessness might be a result of other conditions and are not necessarily COPD. Anxiety, for example, may cause breathlessness. Keeping a diary of symptoms can also help your GP understand any triggers and may help reach a diagnosis quicker.

If you have any COPD symptoms, your GP will listen to your breathing and ask if you are a smoker or have ever smoked. If they suspect you have a lung condition, they will refer you for further tests which are likely to be carried out at a hospital. This may include a spirometry test and a chest x-ray. These tests will attempt to find out if your lungs are working properly, if you have any infections, and if your oxygen levels are where they should be.

Living with COPD

Learning that you have a chronic, long-term health condition like COPD can be a shock and take some time to get used to. There will be some important lifestyle changes for you to make, potentially like quitting smoking or getting more exercise, which can possibly help your condition.

How well you are able to live with COPD will depend upon the severity of your symptoms and how effective treatment is for you. If you’re willing and able to change your lifestyle by quitting smoking, eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise, your symptoms may ease off slightly. COPD does not have to stop you from doing what you love to do, and many people find ways to socialise, enjoy family life, participate in hobbies, travel, and more.

Some people may find that COPD creates challenges in their day-to-day life and activities. For example, some people with a severe case of COPD may find their legs swell and, combined with their breathlessness, their mobility is affected. There are daily living aids for COPD which can help you undertake tasks independently.

It may also help to read stories from other people experiencing the condition, or who have family with COPD. These stories highlight the many different experiences people have, from those who are able to manage their COPD well with a healthy lifestyle, to others who have supported loved ones through the disease to the end of life.

What types of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease treatments are there?

Unfortunately, there is no cure for COPD. However, there are drug and surgical treatment options available. These can help manage symptoms and reduce the impact of the condition.

Medication treatments include:

  • Inhalers: Inhalers contain drugs such as steroids and beta-2 agonists that are inhaled into the lungs and widen the airways to make it easier to breathe.
  • Theophylline: Available in a tablet form and relaxes the airways.
  • Mucolytic tablets: This medication helps if you have excess phlegm or regular coughs.
  • Steroids: Also in tablet form, these help to reduce inflamed airways.
  • Antibiotics: These are given to treat infections.

Some people who have severe COPD, either during temporary flare-ups or permanently, may require medication to be delivered through a mask or mouthpiece, using a nebuliser.

Some people may also require oxygen to be delivered into their lungs, which is usually at a serious stage of COPD where the person is not getting enough oxygen by breathing. In this case, a person requires an oxygen tank for a large portion of the day, which they breathe in through a face mask or mouthpiece.

Surgical treatments are available for severe COPD and will be used as a last resort. These include a lung transplant, bullectomy and lung volume reduction.

Smoking and COPD

If you have COPD and are a smoker, it’s strongly recommended that you quit smoking. This is extremely important and will help stop further damage to your lungs as well as help to slow down how quickly your COPD progresses.

Most people report a reduction of symptoms when they stop smoking, and quitting can increase your life expectancy. There is a lot of support for people looking to quit smoking, including medications and access to ‘stop smoking advisers’. The NHS, for example, has a Stop Smoking service you can utilise.

Living aids for COPD

If COPD affects what you can do daily, some products can help make everyday tasks easier.

At Complete Care Shop, we supply living aids that help people with healthcare conditions or disabilities continue to live independently.

Given that COPD causes breathlessness, you could consider a rollator to assist you with walking. Other mobility aids include attendant propelled wheelchairs that allow you to get out and about without exerting yourself. If you need a wheelchair, having a ramp at home to provide access is essential.

When moving around in the house, a grab safety rail for the bathroom or bedroom can be helpful. Rise and recliner chairs are useful for helping you get up on your feet from a seated position, too.

Diet for COPD

If you’ve been diagnosed with COPD, eating a healthy, varied and balanced diet is important. A healthy COPD diet will help you fight off infections and keep the lungs, heart and the rest of the body working well. Maintaining a healthy weight is also key to ensuring your body is not under too much strain, which can make symptoms worse.

Drinking at least eight cups of fluid each day is important. Water is the best type of liquid, but all non-alcoholic drinks count towards this amount.

Exercise with COPD

If you have COPD, you’ll be advised to exercise and may be referred to a pulmonary rehabilitation course. This is an exercise and education programme for people with COPD or similar conditions, through which you undertake fitness classes and learn how to look after your health.

In general, you should try to do at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. Each exercise aims to get your heart pumping and make your muscles stronger. A physiotherapist may be able to create a programme that’s suitable for you if you’re concerned about potentially making your symptoms worse.

In the long term, exercise can help you manage your symptoms and make your lungs stronger.

Employment with COPD

Many people with COPD are still able to work, but some find that their symptoms mean they have to reduce their working hours, change jobs, or leave work altogether. This can be a difficult decision to make, but a person’s health has to be a priority. If continuing to work makes the condition worsen, steps should be taken to improve the situation.

The British Lung Foundation provides advice for people unable to work as well as what financial support is available to people with COPD.

Support for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

We hope this guide to COPD has been helpful. Many people with COPD live well and have a good quality of life, so it’s important to remember that you can too.

As COPD is a common condition in the UK, there is help available to you. Some people find it helpful to access COPD support groups, charities and other resources, like the ones listed below.

  • British Lung Foundation Forum
  • COPD Friends for Friends
  • British Lung Foundation
  • My Lungs My Life
  • NARA The Breathing Charity
  • NHS Choices

Complete Care Shop and COPD

It’s important to remember that if you feel like you have symptoms of COPD, or you think your loved one does, you should speak to your GP immediately.

If you do have COPD and you’re looking for help and support, we have a wide range of living and mobility aids at Complete Care Shop for you to use. If you’d like information on our products, don’t hesitate to use our expert help and advice service and contact us.