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All the dyspraxia information you need for living well

If you aren’t too familiar with the condition, you may be wondering, ‘what is dyspraxia?’ For people who are new to the condition or who know a little but want to know about the specifics in further depth, this guide has everything you need. Take a look below to find out more about dyspraxia symptoms, dyspraxia treatments and diagnosis, types of dyspraxia and living with dyspraxia.

Any medical information provided here is for informational purposes and does not substitute medical advice given to you by a medical professional. If you are concerned that you may have any of the dyspraxia symptoms discussed below, please see your GP.

What is dyspraxia?

Dyspraxia, known officially as developmental co-ordination disorder (DCD), is a condition which affects an individual’s movements and coordination. It is a neurological, motor planning disorder and symptoms of dyspraxia may at first be considered clumsiness. A child with dyspraxia may seem to have underdeveloped motor skills for their age. They may also have difficulty with their perception which affects how they interpret what they see, hear, feel and sense.

Symptoms of dyspraxia are very varied but usually include difficulties with carrying out movements or actions, such as running, a lack of co-ordination, and cognitive difficulties (e.g. with short-term memory, concentration, etc).

Dyspraxia is usually noticed and diagnosed during early childhood, and children with dyspraxia usually go on to become adults with dyspraxia. There is no cure for the condition but there are dyspraxia treatments available, usually in the form of therapies, which provide ways to help an individual live well with the condition.

Dyspraxia may affect a person’s life, mobility and abilities to some degree, but this will differ from person to person. Everyone with dyspraxia will have a unique experience of the condition.

Dyspraxia sometimes runs in families, but a specific gene for the condition has not been identified. It is more common in boys than girls and is linked to other conditions such as dyslexia, ADHD and autism.

For further dyspraxia information, take a look at the NHS website.

What causes dyspraxia?

Experts are not yet clear what causes dyspraxia. Dyspraxia is neurological in that it is thought to be caused by an abnormality in the brain, but it is not yet understood what this abnormality is. Some of the difficulty of finding what causes dyspraxia is made harder by processes involved in the body that enable movement and senses, which are very complex. Research suggests that a child with dyspraxia has underdeveloped neurons in the brain.

There are some factors that may increase the risk of a child having dyspraxia, such as:

  • Premature birth
  • Low birth weight
  • Family history of dyspraxia
  • Mother used illegal drugs or drank alcohol whilst pregnant

Did you know?

Dyspraxia is also called developmental coordination disorder (DCD) and is a motor planning disorder.

What are the main types of dyspraxia?

The type of dyspraxia that a child is diagnosed with will be determined by their dyspraxia symptoms. Some people will have more than one type. Everyone will experience their symptoms differently and to different degrees, so some people may have one type of dyspraxia severely, and another type mildly.

The types of dyspraxia may be oral, verbal, motor, idea or space related. These types of dyspraxia specifically are:


Speaking and communication difficulties.


Difficulty making other actions with the mouth, such as licking, or may have poor control over the mouth (leading to dribbling).


A person may understand how to carry out an activity but may have difficulty putting it into action and undertaking the movements required.


Difficulty breaking down tasks into smaller actions and movements.


Difficulty understanding patterns, instructions, arranging objects etc.

Did you know?

Dyspraxia causes difficulties with coordination, motor skills and perception.

What are the symptoms of dyspraxia?

Everyone’s experience of dyspraxia will be different. Dyspraxia symptoms may be very varied and are often types of behaviours rather than physical or visible symptoms that are noticeable in other conditions. If you think your child is displaying any of these behaviours, speak to your GP or health visitor. These symptoms do not necessarily mean your child has dyspraxia or any other related condition, but it is best to have them checked out.

Diagnosis of dyspraxia can take some time, and the earlier the condition is diagnosed, the better for the child. A child with dyspraxia may have varied symptoms throughout their childhood, and these may continue to change through adulthood.

Signs and symptoms of dyspraxia (in childhood and beyond) may include:

  • Delays in learning to roll over or sit up
  • Delays in learning to walk
  • Falling over or bumping into things (more than is usual for a child that age)
  • Difficulties learning to use the toilet
  • Lack of coordination
  • Difficulties grasping objects
  • Difficulties with physical activities e.g. running, catching a ball, etc
  • Difficulties learning to write
  • Problems with getting dressed, doing up buttons and tying shoelaces
  • Unable to stay still e.g. fidgety
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Difficulty following instructions
  • Finding school challenging but learning more successfully in smaller groups or with private tuition
  • Lack of organisation skills
  • Finding it hard to learn new things
  • Having low self-esteem
  • Finding it hard to make friends
  • Difficulty pronouncing words
  • Having a lack of short-term memory

Such a long list of dyspraxia symptoms can sound negative, but there are lots of positive aspects of having the condition as well. For example, people with dyspraxia may be good at creative thinking, and have a good long-term memory. Despite some of the challenges listed above, there are lots of ways for a child or an adult with dyspraxia to adapt to and manage their condition.

For dyspraxia information about symptoms of the condition, visit Dyspraxia Foundation.

Who do I contact about a dyspraxia diagnosis?

If you are concerned your child may be exhibiting signs of dyspraxia, or if you are an adult yourself and are concerned you may have the condition without knowing it, you should contact your GP.

If your child is of school age, you could speak to their special educational needs coordinator initially as well. It may be useful to keep a log of symptoms and behaviours you are concerned about for when you visit your doctor. They will undertake an initial examination and ask about symptoms. They may refer you to a paediatrician if they think there may be a chance that the symptoms may be dyspraxia (or a related condition).

It is quite common for a child to not receive an official dyspraxia diagnosis until they are of school age. Even if their condition has been suspected for some time, it is difficult to test for dyspraxia in toddlers. Early diagnosis in childhood can really benefit a person and help them develop skills and abilities, in addition to aids for reading and writing to assist their progress during their learning.

Did you know?

Boys are more likely to have dyspraxia than girls.

What should I do after a dyspraxia diagnosis?

Learning that your child has dyspraxia may be difficult to come to terms with. It is important to remember that your child is unique and will experience the condition in their own way. Many parents report that they have found ways to deal with the challenges that dyspraxia presents. There is lots of support available to families, and working with your child and professionals can help them develop their skills and abilities. Read on to find out more about dyspraxia treatments, products for dyspraxia, and help for dyspraxia.

How does dyspraxia impact daily living?

Dyspraxia affects everybody differently, so it is difficult to say what impact the condition will have on a child or adult’s daily life, or their family life. Some people have dyspraxia symptoms that are very challenging and these people may need lots of support, whereas other people may have milder symptoms that are easier to manage.

Dyspraxia can sometimes affect daily activities such as:

  • Education e.g. finding it difficult in a classroom setting or learning new things
  • Reading and writing e.g. coordinating a pen or reading slowly
  • Self-care and independence e.g. getting dressed, grooming, using the toilet and bathroom
  • Eating and drinking e.g. finding it difficult to coordinate cutlery or a cup
  • Playing and getting exercise e.g. finding it difficult to use toys or run around

There are lots of ways to manage daily activities to make life easier though, and there are health and social care professionals who may be able to help. For example, an Occupational Therapist (OT) may be able to recommend different ways to do tasks, or equipment that may make tasks easier. For example, our eating and drinking aids, children’s play and development toys and bathroom mobility aids all can be of use for your child.

A physiotherapist may be able to help a child (or adult) develop their physical movements, such as walking or running, by working on balance and coordination. If your child is living with dyspraxia, there are support services and learning programmes available.

If you are a parent or carer, it may help to read about other people’s experiences of living with dyspraxia, such as the Action Medical Research story and the Dyspraxia Foundation’s positive stories.

What dyspraxia products can best help?

There are special types of equipment available called daily living aids, which are designed to help people with health conditions or disabilities undertake everyday tasks they may be having difficulties with. At Complete Care Shop, we are experts in daily living aids, and you can find many different aids to help simplify your child’s life and help them develop on our website.

If you are unsure what aids for dyspraxia may help you or your child, Complete Care Shop has a team of Occupational Therapist advisors who you can ask for advice. Contact them on 03330 160 000 or fill in this form.

PLEASE NOTE: Our Expert Advice Service can only advise about equipment and products which may help you to live more independently. They cannot give any advice on medications or treatments for symptoms of this condition.

What treatments are available for dyspraxia?

There is no cure or medication treatment available for dyspraxia. Dyspraxia treatment therefore usually involves a variety of health and social care professionals, school and family working together. Dyspraxia Foundation provides advice about how parents can help and how to get in touch to use their services.

Children do not grow out of their dyspraxia, but the condition may change and a child can develop new skills and abilities as they grow older. Many parents adopt a task-focused approach, dealing with specific tasks that are difficult by breaking them down, looking at ways to adapt them, and so on.

The NHS also provides dyspraxia information about treatments.

Exercise for dyspraxia

Some children and adults with dyspraxia find exercising difficult due to balance and coordination difficulties. A physiotherapist may be able to help with this. The Skills for Action website has some helpful information about getting children with dyspraxia more involved in sports and exercise.

Dyspraxia diet

People with a dyspraxia diagnosis will benefit from eating a healthy, nutritious diet as this helps the body function. If you are a parent and want to know how to ensure your child has a healthy diet, the British Nutrition Foundation provides a wealth of information. The NHS also provides lots of tips on eating a balanced diet.

Some people choose to take dyspraxia supplements such as omega-3, which is found in oily fish or available as a tablet or liquid. However, there is little evidence to confirm that this is effective at reducing symptoms.

Dyspraxia and employment

People with dyspraxia can work and provide a range of skills and abilities in the workplace. Some people may need extra support to find employment or to manage their workload. Dyspraxia Foundation provides dyspraxia information for job seekers and employers.

Did you know?

It is still not clear what causes dyspraxia but research is continuing to explore this.

Where can I find further dyspraxia information and support?

We hope this guide to dyspraxia has been helpful to you. There are many children and adults living with the condition, and dyspraxia support services are available. Every individual and family will have a different experience, and the condition is very varied.

Most people with the condition can have a good quality of life and a sense of well-being. Additionally, there is lots of dyspraxia help available to you should your loved one or you require it. You may find it useful to talk to other people or families in a similar situation, who are dealing with dyspraxia, to share stories, experiences and advice. 

Below, we list online resources that you may find useful and some forum opportunities. If you are concerned about anything you read in this guide, please discuss it with your GP.


Dyspraxic Adults Forum – an online community of adults with dyspraxia

Dyspraxic Teens Forum – an online community of teenagers and young adults with dyspraxia


Contact a Family – a charity that connects families living with various health conditions, enabling them to share experiences and mutual support

Dyspraxia Foundation – a UK charity that supports people affected by dyspraxia, providing lots of information about the condition, a helpline and local groups

Dyspraxia Foundation Youth – part of the Dyspraxia Foundation supporting people aged 13-25 years old, providing a helpline, Facebook group and downloadable factsheets

Dyspraxia UK – a specialist organisation providing Occupational Therapist assessments for children and adults who may have dyspraxia

NHS – source of medical information and advice on dyspraxia symptoms, causes and treatments

Did you know?

Children with dyspraxia grow up to be adults with dyspraxia, although their symptoms may change as they age.


Although we always try to explain things as simply and clearly as possible at Complete Care Shop, it’s sometimes necessary to use the correct medical terminology. Medical terms are often known for being tricky to pronounce and if you’re not an expert in the subject, they can also be a little difficult to understand.

Below, we’ve put together a list of terms used on this page along with a brief explanation of what they mean to help make your understanding of dyspraxia as straightforward as possible.

Motor planning disorder

A condition that affects a person’s ability to carry out tasks using motor skills – the learned (non-habit) actions that require the brain and muscles to work together.

Motor skills

Action requiring movement and coordination of the body i.e. the arms, legs, fingers, toes, etc, such as running, jumping, walking, gripping.


Related to the nervous system which consists of the brain and spinal cord.


Cells in the body that transmit electrical impulses (messages) to and from the brain.


Our ability to be aware of the world through our senses.